President/Chairman Board of Directors

Message From The President

There is a GREAT COMMISSION given to us by our LORD JESUS; "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" Matthew 28:19. Beloved, how well are you obeying this Great Commandment? Jesus said " if you love me obey my commandments" John 14:15. Our duty on earth as children of God is to preach the good news to the lost. Soul Factory Ministries International is a non-denominational Christian Youth Outreach Ministry which aims at fulfilling this Great Commandment of the Lord. Making disciples of all nations unto the Lord. We strongly believe that the command to evangelize is all that matters, snatching men from the pit of hell. As such we are always ready to partner any Christian denomination in the pursuit of the salvation agenda. Through our outreach programmes to the hospitals, orphanages, prisons, Junior and Senior High Schools, and communities we have been able to touch the lives of many with the good news, winning many unto our Lord Jesus. As a ministry, we focus more on the youth, because we believe they have the future of this world in their hands and because they are the greatest target for destruction by the enemy As a team, we would like to extend a right hand of fellowship to you to join this wonderful family of believers and friends to help propagate the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
Message From The President

Miss Osaah Osei-Tutu

Executive Director

Message From Our Executive Director

Abigail Rama Williams, a private legal practitioner with great love for community & humanitarian work and of course the Kingdom business. In compliance with the directive of our Saviour Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20, Soul Factory Int'l is committed to spreading the good news, winning souls for Christ and helping people from all walks of life to be inspired and experience the everlasting Hope in Christ Jesus. We are sharing this Hope with the youth in various educational institutions across the country and beyond. Don’t be left out of this gracious experience. God bless you.
Message From Our Executive Director

Miss Regina Abotsivia

Director Finance

Miss Emelia Appiah Minka

Director Soul Factory Foundation